Sabin and UC Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Sabin Sunday

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Tomorrow, April 24, 2010, marks the 50th anniversary of Sabin Sunday—a campaign to vaccinate Cincinnati-area children with the world’s first oral live-virus polio vaccine. The successful campaign led to the oral live-virus polio vaccine’s licensure and distribution in the United States, and the eradication of polio from the Americas and most of the world. 

Dr. Albert B. Sabin developed the vaccine as a faculty member at the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine and a member of the research staff at Cincinnati Children’s Research Foundation. Ms. Heloisa Sabin, widow of the late Dr. Sabin; and Philip Russell, Sabin Founding President and current trustee, will be on hand at the UC Medical Campus this afternoon to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Sabin Sunday.

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is founded on the legacy and global vision of Dr. Sabin who not only dedicated his entire professional career to the elimination of human suffering though his groundbreaking medical advances, but also waged a tireless campaign against poverty and ignorance throughout his lifetime.

About EteenaT

Eteena Tadjiogueu is a communications officer for the Sabin Vaccine Institute View all posts by EteenaT

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