Monthly Archives: May 2010

Tropical diseases need an integrated approach

by: William Brieger, Malaria Matters blog

A common critique of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is that there are other major contributors to the burden of disease in tropical countries.  Some are infectious like pneumonia while others are non-communicable like injuries.

From the standpoint of malaria, integration makes sense. From the start, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership made it clear that malaria control (end eventual elimination) could not succeed unless health systems were strengthened. These are the same systems that are supposed to control filariasis, helminthic diseases, diarrheal diseases, and pneumonia as well as promote maternal health, child growth and development as well as immunization programs. It was a weak health system that contributed to the failure of the first effort to eradicate malaria fifty years ago.

Two recent articles exemplify the need for integrated prevention and control services because tropical communicable diseases themselves are ‘integrated’ into the environment and the human host.

Abraham Degarege and colleagues examined Malaria and helminth co-infections in outpatients at Alaba Kulito Health Center in southern Ethiopia. Fifty-four percent of patients having malaria parasites also had at least one of three helminth infections including hookworm, A. lumbricoides and/or T. trichiura. Those with both worms and malaria (P. falciparum and/or P. vivax) had higher rates of anemia. These negative synergies require an integrated approach to patient management as well as to community prevention programs.

Marcia C. Castro and her co-researchers looked into local water sources for larval development of lymphatic filariasis and malaria vectors in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania. Larvae of both anopheles and culex species were found in puddles, swamps, mangrove swamps, drains/ditches, human-made holes, water storage, agriculture, rivers/streams, and ponds.

Polluted urban environments are less conducive to anopheles breeding, and culex were more likely to be found in all these urban sites in Dar es Salaam, especially in drains/ditches, but again in this environment both types were found, meaning that both filariasis and malaria ‘co-existed’. Integrated control through larviciding and ITNs would help prevent both diseases.

If basic health services are well funded, staffed and supplied, no tropical disease needs to be neglected.

Bill Brieger is currently a Professor in the Health Systems Program of the Department of International Health at Johns Hopkins University as well as the Senior Malaria Adviser for JHPIEGO, JHU’s family and reproductive health affiliate. He was a Professor in Health Education at the African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, from 1976 to 2002. His research interests have focused on the social and behavioral aspects of tropical disease control, and in the area of malaria research, funded by the Unicef/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Tropical Disease Research program (TDR) and USAID implementing partners, this has included acceptability of pre-packaged antimalarial drugs, urban malaria, role of patent medicine sellers in malaria treatment, and community and cultural perceptions of malaria as a basis for village health worker training and health education

Reading List 5/27/2010

Hope everyone’s had a great week so far! Here’s a reading list to get an early start to your Memorial Day weekend. Today we’re reading about the link between lymphatic filariasis and malaria, the World Bank’s approval of more than $63 million for the creation of a network of public health laboratories in East Africa, and the effectiveness of drug cocktails to treat HIV. We’ve also included TropIKA’s blog post about Dr. Peter Hotez’s recently released 8-point “manifesto” paper. Enjoy the reads!

Drains Linked to Lymphatic Filariasis and Malaria, Science Daily
World Bank Approves $63.66 Million for Lab Network in East Africa, Green TMC
Drug cocktails cut couples’ HIV transmission risk, Reuters
A “manifesto” for combatting NTDs, Patrick Adams, TropIKA

Innovative financing for neglected diseases

Reprinted with permission from: The Global Health Blog – a project of

By: Sarah Arnquist

List of NTDs

List of NTDs

Neglected tropical diseases attracted the media spotlight this month, starting with a New York Times op-ed by Peter Hotez, president of the Sabin Vaccine Institute.

Now, Hotez and Bernard Pecoul, executive director of Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), have released a “manifesto” outlining why the global community should increase financial support for NTD control, elimination efforts and research and development.

“About three-quarters of total neglected disease R&D annual spending is for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, leaving only about US$600 million worldwide for all NTDs per year,” they write.

Last week, the open-access journal, PloS Medicine, hosted a debate over the best approach to tackle neglected tropical diseases. (For a quick overview read the blog post, “Neglected diseases: teach or treat?” from The Scientist.) The debate centered on whether the focus to eliminate the diseases has been overly medicalized at the expense of focusing on social determinants of disease and how future resources and investments should be best allocated to balance implementation and R&D.

The debate and dialogue are great and necessary, but calls for any additional funding, regardless of how it’s allocated, begs the question where will the money be raised.

While global health experienced a “golden age” of new financial commitments during the last decade, international development assistance for health has flat-lined. Given the plurality of funding demands, including HIV prevention and treatment, chronic diseases, trauma and injury and neglected tropical diseases, many say merely sustaining — let alone expanding — financial assistance requires new “innovate financing” models for global health.

Innovative financing examples include:

  • UNITAID — an international fund that uses revenues from taxes on airline tickets to promote lower prices and improved access to drugs, bed nets, etc.
  • Advance Market Commitments (AMCs), in which legally binding commitments to pay for new life-saving vaccines aim to stimulate faster and larger industry investments in R&D.
  • International Financing Facility (IFF) — rich country governments make long-term pledges to collateralize commercial debt financing.
  • Debt Swaps – rich country creditors write off debts owed by developing countries if they convert a portion of the debt value to disease control activities.

Sarah Arnquist is the editor of The Global Health Blog, part of, a project aimed to create an online mechanism to facilitate harmonization among international health care researchers, practitioners and funders. Arnquist writes case studies on global health delivery issues and previously worked as a journalist. She has a master’s in public health from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

2005 Gleneagles Communiqué – Revisited

The 31st G8 Summit took place in 2005 at the Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland. Addressing global health issues was high on the agenda, and commitments were made to build upon efforts to tackle HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria basic health care, and of course neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). In fact, a pledge was made to “Support the control or elimination of neglected tropical diseases; and reach at least 75% of the people affected by certain NTDs in the highest-burden countries.” Despite these strides, four years later in Italy at the 35th G8 summit, new health commitments were not made.

Although G8 leaders reaffirmed their commitments to the pledges made in 2005, still more must be done in the upcoming decade. Activities that should be emphasized include investing in the control and elimination of NTDs, aggressively target issues in maternal and child health, and scaling up prevention methods and sustainable capacity building. To read more, and also to find out what you can do to get the ball rolling on these objectives, please visit