Be up to date on the latest happenings in the world of NTDs with our reading list! Today we’re reading about:
In Uganda, Elephantiasis Cases Are Up
“Cases of sleeping sickness, elephantiasis and hydrocele are increasing in Alebtong district. About 30 people have been diagnosed with the neglected tropical diseases and are receiving treatment from Alebtong Health Centre IV.”
Houston Medical Center rising as a global health hub: New star doc & programs gain UN notice
“Whether it’s a cancer breakthrough or the rehabilitation of a congresswoman shot on the job, the Texas Medical Center has a high national profile across nearly every advanced medical discipline. But with prestigious new programs and doctors setting up here, Houston is also making a name for itself in the world of global health initiatives, according to the United Nations Dispatch.”
Rural Areas at Higher Risk of Dengue Fever Than Cities
“In a study led by Wolf-Peter Schmidt from the Nagasaki Institute of Tropical Medicine, Japan, and recently published in PLoS Medicine, the authors analyzed a population in Kanh-Hoa Province in south-central Vietnam (~350,000 people) that was affected by two dengue epidemics between January 2005 and June 2008.”